Nursing Blogs>Rebekah Child

Dreaming up a new TV show…


Extreme-MakeoverI just got back from a mini-vacay…living la vida loca in Las Vegas for a couple days. It was so nice to lounge by the pool and sleep in late. Then this morning, as I was leaving my mom’s house (we brunch often), I lamented “I don’t want to go to work today.” It’s a sentiment we have all shared at one time or another.
My mom said that I needed to “get on one of those medical TV shows” to alleviate my working blues. One tangential joke led to another and soon we were pioneering an “Extreme Hospital Makeover” show. With all this talk of healthcare reform, this show might really take off!

Think about it, one week with sassy designer personalities, a hot carpenter, and a team of experienced professionals; all with a keen eye on how to make your hospital bigger, better, more fun. Maybe a pool on the roof? A bowling alley in the breakroom? IV pumps that didn’t way 10 kilos? A people mover walkway to expedite the registration process? All these things with a hint of feng shui, new paint, and a few good heartwarming/wrenching patient interest stories. I think it could work, I’d be happy to host it.

OK, I really am very camera shy BUT I might consider popping some Propranolol to get through the show if I can get a cappuccino machine in the break room. For how, however, I have to go clock in for my 12 hour shift. Here’s to the end of vacations, being employed, daydreaming about television stardom, and a cappuccino.

Rebekah Child
Rebekah Child attended the University of Southern California for her bachelor's in nursing and decided to brave the academic waters and return for her master's in nursing education, graduating in 2003 from Mount St. Mary's. Rebekah has also taught nursing clinical and theory at numerous Southern California nursing schools and has been an emergency nurse since 2002. She is currently one of the clinical educators for an emergency department in Southern California and a student (again!) in the doctoral program at the University of California, Los Angeles.

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