
Nurses seek well-being legislation in Washington


Far from a plea for spa treatments and clay masks, H.R. 2381, re-introduced today by Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), aims to protect nurses from dangerous and debilitating patient handling injuries. (PR Newswire)

Direct care RNs get injured at a higher rate than laborers, movers and truck drivers from repositioning, moving and lifting patients, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Work-related lifting injuries in turn lead many nurses to leave the profession, with more than half of all nurses complaining of chronic back pain and 38 percent suffering from pain severe enough to require leave from work.

The bill proposes that the labor intensive heavy lifting part of nursing be done by hospital devices, leaving nurses better able to tend to the real heavy lifting of nursing – patient care.

“There is no reason why an RN should have to accept a lifetime of injury or chronic pain as part of his or her job,” said UAN President Ann Converso, RN. (PR Newswire)


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