Break Room

10 reasons to date a nurse


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Users on Facebook have virtually given birth to a new user-generated genre: The “Ten Reasons Why You Should Date an XYZ (name of your profession goes here) List.”

Lists have been published for Why You Should Date a Single Mom, a Geek, a Wrestler and hundreds of other categories.

Not to be outdone, the medical professions have also posted “Ten Reasons Why You Should Date: a Physician, a Physical Therapist, an EMT, etc.”

Nurses, of course, have their own list! Here is one “Top Ten Reasons You Should Date a Nurse” list, courtesy of a group on Facebook:

1. They can help you get over a hangover or sickness.

2. Bed baths!

3. The uniform.

4. They are exposed to so many X-rays, it’s like a form of birth control.

5. You will never need to buy condoms, paracetamol, toothbrushes or any hospital supplies.

6. They know how to handle bodily fluids!

7. Nothing shocks a nurse–they have seen smaller or bigger!

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