I recently heard that Mother’s Day is the hardest day to staff in hospitals. Well this is no wonder since the greater majority of nurses are women and of course, most people love their mommies and want to spend the day with them.
It got me thinking what I am going to do for my Mom on Mom’s Day. I’m going to take my mom to get her hair done, nails, and maybe a massage. But is that really enough for the woman who gave you life? And who didn’t kill you when you were a teenager?
Working in an emergency department is the pits on mother’s day. Everyone goes to visit their Mother at the nursing home and then note that she is in terrible condition so they send her to the ER. Helloooooooooooooooo people! She’s been this way for months, a stage four decubitus does NOT happen overnight. You should probably go see her more than once a year.
Maybe that’s why my mom always says that every day should be Mother’s Day. She also says to make sure her chin hairs are plucked if she is ever comatose. Words of wisdom to live by.