
10 best and worst nursing bosses


Worst: The Hovercraft

You can almost hear the faint buzzing of the Hovercraft as it floats over your shoulder, watching your every move. Nothing can be left to your own devices. Even when the Hovercraft is away from the hospital, they constantly check in to make sure everything is running smoothly. In the Hovercraft’s hospital, it’s 1984 and Big Brother is watching.

With the Hovercraft, everything must be double-checked: patients’ charts, medication doses, paperwork, etc. Second-guessing is second nature to this boss. Without their stamp of approval, no task is actually complete. The Hovercraft has trust issues that can only be cured by years of therapy.

Worst: The Know-It-All

The Know-It-All has done everything you’ve done, but better and faster. Somehow, in the time they’ve been in a nurse, they have managed to accomplish every feat known to the medical world. Regardless of your accomplishments, they will let you know how it could be done better.

Not only are they omnipotent, but they expect you to be all knowing as well. The Know-It-All will assign a three-day task to be completed in one day. They will give you vague instructions on caring for a patient and expect you to figure out what must be done. Or they will assign you an impossible task — one that not even they could perform — and demand it be completed by the end of the week. The Know-It-All is all about pushing you to your limit to prove they are smarter than you.

The Best Friend –>

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