Nurse's StationScrubs

Steve Jobs’ sister addresses his nurses


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After his death on October 5, many tributes to Apple co-founder Steve Jobs were printed or published to the web. Few of them, however, were quite as beautiful as the eulogy his sister, novelist Mona Simpson, delivered at his memorial service on October 16. The New York Times printed her address verbatim as an Op-Ed piece a few days later, and in it she touched on Jobs’ relationship with his nurses while he fought pancreatic cancer.

She told the story of how Jobs picked his nurses with the same impeccable judgement that he used in creating his many successful business ventures.

“Even ill, his taste, his discrimination and his judgment held. He went through 67 nurses before finding kindred spirits and then he completely trusted the three who stayed with him to the end. Tracy. Arturo. Elham.”

Simpson then described Jobs’ perseverance as he tried to fight his disease in hospital rooms and intensive care units. You can read more here.



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