We came, we saw, we rocked!
This past Monday evening I was joined by three other members of the Scrubs magazine team as guests on the highly popular Blog Talk Radio Podcast: RN.FM Radio: Nursing Unleashed!
Catherine Ettlinger, the editor of the print edition of Scrubs, Paris Lia Hyun, the editor of the digital medmagazine.com edition, and poet/writer and nurse practitioner Cortney Davis, who contributes to the print magazine, joined me to discuss the partnered relationship of the online and print magazine, and what it offers to the nursing profession.
It was a lively and enlightening podcast. I was extremely nervous about the whole experience, but once Keith and Kevin introduced us, it was as if we were all sitting at the same table having a friendly chat (even though we were scattered across the continental U.S.).
I’ve never felt more welcomed. Keith and Kevin have an amazing ability to make their guests feel right at home. I highly encourage you to subscribe and listen to their show; they’re doing some amazing things to help our profession reach new heights as well as facilitate conversations on some great topics that need discussing.
Catherine and Paris introduced the goals of the magazine and gave a brief synopsis of its history and future direction. Scrub steps away from the traditional magazine format by providing a print edition as well as an online presence in a complimentary fashion. Both have the same common goal of supporting nurses fully, both personally and professionally. As both Paris and Catherine said, their goal is to “care for the caregiver.”
Cortney and I read some works that we wrote. I, of course, read a blog post, and Cortney read a poem. This particular poem has been published in a book and will be published in the fall issue of Scrubs magazine’s print edition.
I was not prepared for Cortney’s poem. It was emotionally moving and so eloquently written–she was a very tough act to follow! It took me a brief moment to collect my thoughts and composure. It truly was a breathtaking poem. If you find any time, please listen to the archived episode simply to hear her poem. It’s worth it.
We packed in so much information on so many diverse topics during this podcast. Everything from nurses as storytellers to technology’s effect on the intimacy of nursing care was discussed.
Another great aspect of the podcast was the real-time audience on Twitter that joined us via the Twitter hashtag #RNFMRadio
Here is a quick approximate time breakdown of the podcast if you are limited on time:
Start – Introductions as well as brief overview of Scrubs Magazine
28:00 – Nurses as storytellers
34:00 – Cortney reads her poem “How I’m able to love”
40:00 – Sean reads his blog post “15 ways nursing will change your life”
55:30 – Social media, nurses and patient privacy
57:30 – Technology replacing the intimacy of nursing hands-on care?
59:00 – Patients using social media
1:00:00 – Social media, informatics and educating the less tech-savvy
1:17:00 – Nurses week and new guides online on scrubsmagazine.com
My breakdown is brief and extremely generalized, so if you have the time, please listen to the entire podcast. You can listen to it online, download it, or use iTunes on your computer or mobile device (don’t you just love technology?!).
This experience has rejuvenated my passion for nurses and their contribution to blogging, social media and patient advocacy. I’m looking forward to any additional experiences like this one.
I want to extend a warm and passionate thank you to the co-hosts as well as my fellow team member guests–thank you for the opportunity and the inclusion.
So Scrubs readers, did you listen? Will you listen? I’d love to hear your thoughts!