
Humor: Grumpy Cat takes on nurses


If you’ve ever pulled up Facebook on your phone in the breakroom or scrolled through Pinterest during your oh-so-brief lunch, you’ve probably seen the hilarious Grumpy Cat meme. Grumpy Cat (real name: Tardar Sauce) lives in Arizona, and her petite size and famously awkward face is attributed to feline dwarfism. But don’t worry, her owners promise she’s perfectly, er, normal and healthy!
Reason # 3051 we love Grumpy Cat? She’s finally looking to nursing for inspiration! Check out the two hilarious pics below…poor Grumpy Cat does NOT seem to be enjoying nursing school (rough day at clinicals, perhaps?).

Were you already familiar with Grumpy Cat? What would you write on your own Grumpy Cat meme? Tell us in the comments below!

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