Nurse's Station

8 Hilarious Ways To Tell You’re Actually A Nurse


You know you are a nurse when

Part six to “You Know You’re a Nurse When…” article.

We asked our Funny Nurses family to fill in the blank after “You know you’re a NURSE when…” (above photo) and we got some pretty great responses! We think you’ll relate – see below:

You know you’re a NURSE when…

1. When you sign the credit card receipt at the store…and everything else with “RN” – Meighan Hernandez

2. When you can write a complete paragraph in nursing shorthand and it makes perfect sense… to any other Nurse. Conversely, it is an unbreakable code to anyone else. – Michael Flagg

3. When you inhale every meal you eat. Even at home literally hardly any chewing. #aintnobodygottimeforthat – Gabi Castro

4. When washing your hands before using the toilet. Scrub Nurse FTW! – Makis Triantafyllidis

5.  Use sterile technique to open a stick of butter. – Chrissy Brodeur


Champion These 8 Concepts Every Successful Nurse Knows (INFOGRAPHIC)

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