
7 Great Things About Being A Single Nurse


All the Single Nurses_ 7 Great Things About Being a Single Nurse
Being a single nurse can be lonely sometimes. On Valentine’s day, you see your married or paired-off coworkers getting flowers and gifts from their husbands, wives, or partners. Everyone else is having romantic weekends away, it seems, while you’re at home with a glass of wine and a good book.

But being a single nurse definitely has its perks. When you’re single, you can really take the time to focus on yourself, do the things you enjoy, and really relish your own independence. Here are some of our favorite things about being single.

1) You’re in charge of your own happiness and contentment.

When you’re a single nurse, you can live your life on your terms, not someone else’s. You’re fully responsible for your own well-being. This can be a challenge, but it’s also a blessing. You can do the things you want to do, without worry what someone else thinks. Want to blast loud hardstyle bangers at two in the morning? You can. Want to take a week off of work and go see the American Southwest? You can.

When you’re in a relationship, you can sometimes get too dependent on your partner to make you happy and take care of your needs. Single people tend to focus on “approach goals” rather than “avoidance goals.” They’re more proactive, seeking out the things they want in life.

2) You don’t have to worry about conflict and confrontation with a partner.

Even the healthiest relationships involve occasional disagreements, although everyone’s reaction to these situations is different. Some people are very non-confrontational, which can lead to a one-sided relationship where one partner is dominant. Others are more confrontational, which can create friction.

Arguments with your partner are emotionally exhausting. Fortunately, it’s something single nurses don’t have to deal with.

3) You can focus more intently on your career growth.

Being single lets you pursue new career choices without as many constraints. If you’re married or in a relationship, your spouse’s job plays a role. You can’t just move across the country for a new job if you’re already living in the nation’s leading hub for your spouse’s industry. If your spouse is in advertising, moving from New York City to Omaha, Kansas might be out of the question.

Singles also tend to be more fulfilled in their job, valuing job satisfaction more highly than their married peers. You also have more flexibility to work unusual shifts and make yourself more available in the workplace, which could pay off later on.

4) You can make purchase decisions without anyone else’s permission.

Within reason, you can decide to buy things without asking anyone first. People who are married, or who are not married but are living together and sharing their finances, generally need to consult with one another before making a large purchase decision. Whether it’s that $1,000 designer handbag you’ve been longing for lately, or a brand new car, you can buy it as long as you can comfortably afford it. If you’re in a relationship, you generally need to clear it with your partner first to avoid any problems later on.

5) You can create your own routine.

Outside of work hours, you can manage your time however you want. You’re not dependent on anyone else’s schedule, just your own. This gives you a lot more freedom to decide how you want to spend your time.

6) You’re more centered, with a stronger sense of self.

Single people have a strong sense of self. They know what they want in life, and they’re not afraid to do what it takes to reach their goals. Accountable only to yourself, you can seize the day and live your life the way you want to.

7) You can stress less about money.

Single people, especially women, tend to stress about money less than their married or coupled peers. Did you know that unmarried, childless women in their 30s earn eight percent more than men in their age group? Although a partnership can put more money in the bank, this is offset by the costs of feeding, housing, and providing for two people. You also don’t have to worry about not knowing where the money’s going. In a survey from 2014, an astonishing 33% of people admitted to having lied to their partner about money.

Being Single Means Living For Yourself
Being single can be lonely sometimes, and it’s sometimes annoying seeing all the engagement announcements and early-relationship cooing on Facebook. But there are some really advantageous upsides to it. You can spend more time focusing on yourself, cultivating a strong sense of self and self-directedness. And, when you do find that special someone, you’ll have already gained the many benefits of single living.

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