
6 ways to maintain your sanity while looking for work


Image: Brand X Pictures | Thinkstock

They say looking for a job is a full-time job in itself, but that’s only partially true. Full-time jobs come with things like regular paychecks, benefits and a sense of pride and accomplishment. Compare that to the frustrating, tedious and mostly unrewarding task of finding a job, and it’s no wonder that some people stop looking for work entirely.

While only hard work and persistence (along with a little luck) will propel someone back into the workforce, job-seekers also need to remember to take a rest from searching every now and then, too. Breaks from searching for a job are just like breaks when you’re on the job — they raise your spirits, help you refocus and generally make you feel like a human again. What a concept, huh?

For the sake of your own mental health, you need to give yourself at least one breather a day if you’re pounding the virtual pavement looking for work. The good news? These breaks don’t have to be time-consuming or expensive to be effective. Here are six suggestions sure to help boost your spirits.

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