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Pristine white scrubs and labs still carry a certain air of sterile perfection that other colors just can’t match. Of course, many nurses would prefer to avoid wearing white—some for fashion’s sake and others for practical reasons. Scrubs magazine blogger Amy Bozeman touches on this ongoing debate here.
Apparently, patient surveys still reveal that white is the most “professional” color for nursing uniforms—and some hospitals agree. If you’re required to wear white because of your work dress code, here are some ways to meet that challenge and still look good.
1. Invest in Detailed Designs
Pin tucks, lace, smocking, embroidery and buttons are all details that can add a little spice to a white outfit. If you are feeling adventurous, you might see if whites with black piping, trim or screen printing will still fit in the parameters of the dress code.
2. Get Fit…
Scrubs that fit, that is. Baggy white scrubs are notorious for making wearers look like the Michelin Man. So, a proper fit is even more important with white than with other colors. A traditional empire waist may look fine in a lovely floral print, but it could make you look like a tent in white. Choose a top with princess seams or a wrap top that nips in just below the bust line and lies flat in the front for a slimming effect.
3. Bleach Is Your Friend
Those nurses who are staunch supporters of white uniforms make the argument that whites are best because you can bleach the heck out of them. That’s certainly a plus when you want to make sure the many types of germs that can survive a hot cycle in the washing machine are truly dead. With whites, you don’t have to worry about fading! For greater stain resistance, choose blended poly fabrics rather than all cotton.