
4 stress relief tips


woman-petting-catWe all know that nursing is a stressful job. We deal with people in pain. We deal with chronic illness and death. Negative emotions and stress can really bring us down.
We often ignore our personal feelings in order to be professional, and then stuff our feelings with food or smoking or other addictions. In short, our minds can work against us…to the point of being dangerous to our health.

Here are some ways of exposing your heart and working through your feelings that are destined to make you healthier:

1. Venting our feelings is a huge release and so is a good cry. Surround yourself with people who will listen.

2. Tell yourself “I am worth taking care of myself!” Believe it and DO IT! The more you love and take care of yourself, the more love you can bring to your family and your patients. You only have one life and one body—it is your temple. Treat yourself like the precious gift you are!

3. Laugh every day; keep a sense of humor. Start your day with a joke. A new nurse listened while the charge nurse was yelling, “Typhoid! Tetanus! Measles!” The new nurse asked another nurse, “Why is she doing that?” The other nurse replied, “Oh, she just likes to call the shots around here.”

4. Surround yourself with positive quotes. Stick your favorite quote to your stethoscope. This way, you can see it many times during your day.

One of my favorites is by T. S. Eliot: “Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”

Laura McElroy
Laura McElroy, CPT, RN, spent her early adult years as an RN, working in areas including oncology, med-surg and home health. Her love of teaching—and also seeing firsthand the chronic illnesses created by unhealthy living—led her to teach health and fitness (preventative medicine). Laura is a certified personal trainer, teaches boot camps and has clients ranging in age from 25 to 80. A wife and a mother of two sons, she is in the process of becoming Stott Pilates certified.

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