30 things I’ve learned in nursing school cont’d!
21. Be responsible. Don’t rely on others for assignments. Know what’s going on! Keep a calendar with you, so you can write in test dates and assignment due dates.
22. Get a tutor. Does your program offer tutoring? Are you just not getting something? Sign up for tutoring. There is no shame in needing help. At some point in the program, we all face something we just don’t quite grasp. Tutoring will save you in the long run.
23. U’s are bad, mmmkay?
24. Make good use of your commuting time. Do you have a long ride to class? Record your notes or drug cards to a recording device and play it on the way to school.
25. Use every resource you have. Those CDs in the back of the book have practice tests on them. Use them. Also, check out the websites that accompany your books. Some test bank questions can be found in the resources I just mentioned. The questions may not be word for word, but they’ll point you in the right direction.
26. Enjoy your between-semester breaks. Spend time with family, rest or do whatever you enjoy. Those days are very precious.
27. Don’t be a bigmouth and mention clinical to friends or family…or worse, social networking sites. What happens in clinical stays in clinical. Period.
28. You will have bad days. This too shall pass.
29. Clinical instructors: They’ll consume your soul, spit it out and return the remains. You will face opposition at some point in the program. You will get broken, but you’ll pull yourself back together. One thing I’ve noticed: Everyone comes out of nursing school changed. Don’t understand that? Well, you will.
30. Your nursing school friends are friends for life. Go to them with any problems you may experience. Confide in your closest friend about personal issues. Having someone to vent to who actually understands the nursing school mentality will save your sanity.
Written by Lelia Beth Gross, student nurse (senior year)