Nurse's StationScrubs

22 things I learned in my first year as an RN


18. If you’re caught up, ask your coworkers if they need help (see #5).

19. When you have an opportunity to learn something new, take it (see #5).

20. When you have an opportunity to teach something new, take it (see #5).

21. If you clean your stethoscope with a bleach wipe after using it on a patient with c.diff, MAKE SURE you let it dry before you put it around your neck again (don’t worry, after you’ve accidentally bleached your scrubs once or twice you’ll never forget again).

22. Nursing is an art, a science, a way of life, and a privilege.

Angel Vipond
Angel Vipond, RN, works in the Redlands Community Hospital ICU. She became a nurse at age 35 after recovering from a severe illness. She hopes to continue her education so that she can someday teach nursing students. Read Angel’s blog at

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