
12 things to be thankful for this holiday season


iStock | Lauri Patterson
iStock | Lauri Patterson

If anybody knows just how much there is to be thankful for, it’s a nurse.

We asked the folks on the Funny Nurses Facebook page to fill us in on the things they’re feeling pretty darn grateful for in 2015, and their responses made us feel all the feelings.

“I am thankful that nursing school will finally be done on December 8th when I get my RN pin!” —Heather A.

“To finally be out of nursing school with ‘RN’ behind my name!” —Bethany T.

“Chocolate. That’s it, just chocolate.” —Chris H.

“Thankful for those who respect nurses…” —Yinfen H.

I am thankful to be cancer-free for nearly 14 years, for my long and rewarding nursing career, and mostly for my wonderful best friend, whose family has become mine.” —Patricia B.

“To have a job I am passionate about and that it allows me to care for my daughter.” —Janice E.

“My kids, without question. Oh, and finishing my RN next month…” —Sarah V.

“My family, job and friends!” —Kelly M.

“My patients.” —Karmei S.

“I am so thankful for people’s ability to do good. I am thankful that I have the desire and the ability to continue my education.” —Amanda S.

“Being a hospice nurse, I am thankful that I have the ability to be walking without assistance, eating without nausea, living without pain and breathing without difficulty.” —Scarlett W.

“I am thankful I have a job I love. I am thankful I have a family that loves all of me. And I am thankful I am healthy!” —Lee Ann B.


What are YOU thankful for this holiday season? Tell us what you’re grateful for in a comment below.

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