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11 Great Staycation Ideas For Busy Nurses

11 Great Staycation Ideas for Busy Nurses11 Great Staycation Ideas for Busy Nurses
Travelling can be exciting and very personally enriching, but you don’t have to travel very far at all to “get away from it all.” Staycations — time off of work where you stay in town, instead of traveling elsewhere — are a great way to keep your costs down while you enjoy your hard-earned vacation days away from work. Whether you’re single and loving it, sharing time with someone special, or you’ve got a whole family in tow, these awesome staycation ideas are great ways for busy nurses to take some time to themselves.

Wait, Why Choose a Staycation?

But why choose a staycation instead of traveling? There are some pretty good reasons to consider this option:

  • You’ll save a ton of money. The costs of travel can add up. Between gas or plane tickets, car rentals, hotel rooms, food, and everything else, you can end up spending more than you thought you would.
  • Learn more about what your local area has to offer. Even smaller cities have tons of
    “Tourist stuff” that natives probably haven’t fully explored yet. Your local museums, state parks, and other attractions have a lot to offer.
  • It’s a calmer experience. Staycations avoid the hassle of packing, buying plane tickets, driving long distances, and other potentially stressful aspects of travel.
  • The money you spend stays in your local community. There’s something to be said for supporting your own city’s tourist industry.

It can be all too tempting to use your staycation time to “catch up” on household chores and projects, but you have to make a promise to yourself to truly relax.

Page Two: 11 Easy Staycation Ideas

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