Break RoomNursing Blogs

Your habits that annoy fellow coworkers: Part II


Robert Kneschke | Veer

I’m not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions, but this is the time of the year I wish we could openly call out our coworkers for their habits and idiosyncrasies that tend to drive us all up the proverbial wall.

I thought I might send an open letter to all “those” coworkers out there and address just a few of these occurrences that can get under our skin.

Dear fellow coworker,

It’s about time you started carrying your weight. Innocence and forgetfulness are one thing, but blatant disregard for your fellow nurse is starting to wear on us. Here are just a few things we’d like you to think about in 2019:

  1. Be on time. No, that does not reflect the time you swipe your badge. If you’re going to spend 15 minutes gossiping and another 15 getting your gear and preparing your coffee, be sure to arrive ahead of time so that when you DO clock in, you’re ready to roll.
  2. Lay off the cologne/perfume. We’re not out clubbin’. If I’m gagging in your presence, how do you think the patients who require oxygen are going to feel?
  3. Look in the mirror before you leave for work. Wrinkled, mismatched and faded scrubs do not scream professionalism. Nor do white pants with colored undergarments. I’m jus’ sayin’.
  4. If you must smoke, figure out a way not to take 30 minute smoke breaks four times per shift. You disappearing for who knows how long gets quite taxing. I may take up the darn habit just so I can take those long breaks.
  5. Answer the damn phone when it rings. Really? You’re telling me you don’t hear it ringing right next to you?
  6. While we’re on the subject of your hearing, maybe you could find some time to answer a couple of call bells while you’re at it. Yes, I see you over there making every attempt to look busy when the call bell goes off. Sorry, it’s not working.
  7. Leave the darn magazines at home. Please. How do you find the time to read a magazine during your shift? What am I missing?
  8. Figure out a way not to yawn in my ear when giving report. Please.
  9. Oh, and while we’re talking about report, could you PLEASE be more concise and on target. While I can appreciate attention to detail, does it really take you that long to convey your findings?
  10. By the way, thank you oh-so-much for repeatedly leaving me dry and empty IV bags!

And a bonus one!

If you have a patient who has a suppository order at the beginning of your shift–could you find way to give it so that I’m not ALWAYS cleaning up the mess (literally!). Once or twice maybe, but every time? C’mon?!

In my book, this list is actually short. I could go on and on about the “little” things that always become big in our nursing world. I think the golden rule applies here, gang.

Anyone care to add to the list?

P.S. These suggestions were compiled from more than one source.

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